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Qu'ranic Arabic Complete

Course Syllabus

The following table is meant to give the student a high level view of the topics to be covered and is not exhaustive – e.g. many topics are covered in the course that are not included in the syllabus below.

We will always endeavour to customize the course by including / omitting additional topics to suit your exact requirements.


Topic Title

Topic Details

Level 1a

A foundation course in reading and writing Arabic

In this level, the student will learn:

  • The Arabic Alphabet, how to read and write Arabic words, some common vocabulary that helps him to deal with basic conversations,
  • Some verses of the holy Quran,
  • Some necessary Islamic expressions

Level 1b

1. Greetings and acquaintance (knowing each other)

In this level, the student will learn:

  • Asking about names, countries, nationalities, etc.
  • Using the questioning words (هل، من، أين، ما) meaning respectively (Are…?, Who? Where? What?)
  • Using the demonstrative nouns (هذا هذه) meaning (This)
  • Some new words related to professions
  • Mumbers from 1 to 5.

2. Family

In this level, the student will learn:

  • Learning new vocabulary relating to the family (e.g. mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother etc.)
  • Asking questions like (مَن هذا؟، أيْنَ؟) meaning (who is this? Where is …?)
  • Learning how to ask questions about people and things
  • Learning some words about common places inside and outside home (the bathroom, living room, the mosque) and the numbers from 6 to 10.
  • Exercises on forming simple sentences and mini-dialogues.

3. The house

In this unit the student will learn:

  • The new vocabulary related to the house, its types, names of each object of furniture and rooms.
  • Names of days of the week.
  • Some questioning articles like (ماذا، كم)

4. Daily life

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Some nouns and verbs that help him to express how he passes his day, either on a work day or day off.
  • The common verbs of home, e.g. (يكنس وغسل ويكوي) meaning to sweep, to wash and to iron.
  • Learning the normal daily activities like reading, watching TV, making prayers etc.
  • The ordinal numbers as (الأول، الثاني، الثالث) meaning (the first, the second, the third…)
  • The negation, the questioning, and different tenses (present, past, and future)

5. Food and beverage

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The names of the three meals, and kinds of food in served in each.
  • Some adjectives related to a persons diet such as (سمين، نحيف، جوعان) meaning respectively (fat, thin, and hungry)
  • Conjugating the present verb with you (feminine) as (تطلبين – تشربين) meaning (you ask, you drink)
  • Expressing exclamation phrases like (ما هذا!)
  • Asking (yes or no) question and answering it (revisited)

6. The prayer

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to the five prayers and place of prayers, the commonly used verbs and adjectives.
  • The ordinal numbers from 1 to 10.
  • How to ask about the time of performing the prayers using the questioning article (متى)
  • How to use the present participle for expressing the present verb, e.g. (ذاهِب، قادِم) meaning (going, coming)
  • How to use the imperative in the verbal sentence.
  • How to use the preposition (من) and how it affects the following noun.
  • How to use the questioning article (لماذا) meaning (why)
  • Reading some Verses of the Holy Qur’an containing the letter (ص)
  • Listening to the Adhan, and advising others to pray in the Mosque

7. Study

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to study; its places and times, and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • The female ordinal numbers.
  • How to use the nominal sentence which consists of the subject and the predicate.
  • How to use (كان) meaning (was) and noticing how it affects the nominal sentence.
  • How to use (سيكون) meaning (will be) and noticing how it affects the nominal sentence.
  • Practicing the Idafah (annexation structure)
  • How to ask about university, using the questioning article (أي) meaning (which)
  • The conjugation of the verb in the three main tenses (the past, the present, and the imperative).
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing (غ)
  • How to make a conversation about school, its times, and how to go to school.
  • How to use different questioning articles as (أين، متى، إلى أينَ، ماذا)

8. Work

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to work, the places and times of work, and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • How to ask about the number of work hours, using the questioning article (كم)
  • How to ask about type of work, using the article (ماذا)
  • How to arrange the sentence to form a passage.
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing (ض)
  • How to make a conversation about work, its times, and how to get a good job opportunity.
  • Talking about the work of other people.

9. Shopping

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to shopping, prices, currencies, types, and places of goods, and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • Commonly used adverbs (i.e. فوق – تحت – أمام - خلف).
  • How to express a request while buying, and what do you say when selling?
  • Asking about the type of goods using the article (أي؟) meaning (which?)
  • Asking the price using the article (كم؟) meaning (how much?)
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing (ظ)
  • How to make a conversation about the market, goods and prices.

10. The weather

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to weather, temperature, name of the four seasons etc., and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • Male adjectives of colors.
  • Asking about the possibility to go to certain places using the article (هل)
  • Asking about the place of something with the article (أين) and answering the question with a verbal sentence.
  • Asking the degree of temperature with the article (كم)
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing (ض)
  • Practicing the conversations about the weather in different countries, where to spend vacation, the reason you decide travelling to or avoiding a certain country.

11. People and places

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to places; city, country, travel, nationality etc., and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • The female adjectives of colors.
  • Asking (when….?) and answering with adverb (قبلَ) meaning (before)
  • The difference between the feminine and masculine when asking about the nationality and the passport.
  • Using the questioning article (لماذا) for asking the reason of moving from one country to another.
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing (ث)
  • Making conversations with the help of some pictures in the book (expressing places that the family goes).
  • Asking about the places that the student goes daily.
  • Asking about the student’s country and the reason he is in a different country.

12. Hobbies

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to hobbies; horse riding, collecting postal stamps, travelling etc. and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • Some adjectives and their opposites, e.g.: (طويل، قصير، كبير، صغير).
  • Asking about one’s favorite hobby using the article (ما)
  • Using the questioning article (هل) and answering with (نعم أو لا) meaning (yes or no)
  • Asking about things using the article (أي) meaning (which)
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing (ش)
  • Talking about one’s favorite hobbies, and asking the others about theirs.

13. Travel

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to travel; ticket, passport etc. and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • The four cardinal directions, i.e. (الشرق والغرب، والشمال والجنوب) meaning respectively (east, west, north, and south).
  • How to ask about nationality using the article (هل)
  • Asking about the place from where one is coming (مِنْ أَيْنَ أنتَ قادِم؟)
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing (ا) as a long vowel.
  • Making conversation as an employee asking the passenger, then changing the roles.
  • Asking passengers to submit their tickets and passports.
  • Asking about the number of days/nights the will spend abroad and where.
  • Asking about the reason for the visit.
  • Talking about lost objects, qualifications, colors etc.

14. Pilgrimage and Umrah

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to pilgrimage; Umrah (visit) and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • Numbers from 11 to 19.
  • The dual noun in the accusative case (mansub), e.g.: ( رَكعتين، سمكتين)
  • Using the ordinal number as adjective, e.g.: (اليوم الثاني عشرَ)
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing the long vowel (ي)
  • Making conversation about the vacation and where to spend it
  • Speaking about a visit to Mecca.
  • Making conversational questions about the rites of Umrah and answering them.

15. Health

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to the doctor; patient, hospital, medical report etc. and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • Numbers 20, 30, 40, etc. and the two numbers 100 and 1000.
  • Asking about feeling using the expression (بِمَ تَشْعُرُ؟) meaning (how do you feel?)
  • Reading some Verses of Holy Qur’an containing (و)
  • Expressing a feeling of pain to the doctor
  • Making Duaa’ for the patient
  • Making a conversation about a doctor’s visit (to a patient’s home)

16. Vacation

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The vocabulary related to vacation and places to spend it and different verbs and adjectives commonly used.
  • Months of the year.
  • Using the dual noun in the nominative case, i.e. Marfu’, e.g.: (عيدانِ)
  • Asking about the verb in the future (أين ستقضون العطلةَ؟)
  • The present verb in the accusative case after Laam of reason, e.g.: (لِنزورَ – لنَقرأَ – لِنُقابِلَ)
  • Making a conversation about travelling to some country.
  • Completing a conversation about a vacation abroad.
  • Talking about a picnic

Level 2

1-Health care

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Expressing pain, asking about treatment and about the diet regime.
  • The vocabulary related to the treatment, diet, and the kinds of food that makes the body fat or thin.
  • Using the preposition (من – عن – على – في – بـ - كـ - لـ)
  • The main three types of words (Noun, Verb, and Particle)
  • Some of the punctuation marks.
  • Writing practice
  • Making conversation about how to keep fit.
  • Reading about things that are bad for the health in Islam.


In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Asking about health after a period of sickness, giving advice on refreshment and recreation.
  • The vocabulary related to recreation, going to the beach, countryside, etc.
  • Using the two types of (yes or no) questions, هل....؟ أ.....؟
  • Using the doer of the verb (in the nominative case signed with Dammah)
  • Making conversation about recreation.
  • Reading about recreation in Islam.

3-Matrimonial life

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Giving one’s opinion about how to choose a wife and matrimonial life.
  • Asking someone about what preoccupies him.
  • Talking about marriage in modern life.
  • The vocabulary related to marriage, weddings, matrimonial disorders, etc.
  • How to use negation articles (لم – لا)
  • Types of nouns (according to number); singular, dual, and plural.
  • How to write a paragraph about the matrimonial problems in modern life.

4-City life

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Expressing one’s opinion about moving from countryside to city.
  • Talking about fear of problems in city life comparing with calm life in countryside.
  • Talking about problems of immigration from the countryside to cities, and how this affects the city and countryside.
  • The vocabulary related to city life, immigration, countryside, etc.
  • Reading about the three main Islamic cities.
  • Writing two paragraphs about internal immigration to big cities.
  • The direct object (المفعول به) as accusative noun (منصوب)
  • The nominal sentence components (the subject and the predicate) meaning (المبتدأ والخبر)

5-Culture and education.

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Expressing desire of making something useful.
  • Talking about different cultures, civilizations, and how they affect each other.
  • Asking about the reason of backwardness of some civilizations in the modern era.
  • Talking about the role that education plays in the cultural and civilization progress.
  • The vocabulary related to culture, education, types of schools, universities, etc.
  • Types of graduation certificates and prizes.
  • How to use the annexation structure (المضاف إليه)
  • Talking about the Islamic cultural progress in the past, and current problems.
  • Reading about the famous Islamic educational institutes in the past.


In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Talking about job interviews, study and how it affects career, reasons of unemployment after graduation.
  • Using the regular feminine plural (جمع المؤنث السالم)
  • The transitive and intransitive verb (الفعل اللازم والمتعدي)
  • The vocabulary related to work, professions, unemployment, and travelling abroad for work.
  • Reading about the work of woman in Islam, the concept of work in Islam against the mendicancy (beggary)
  • Writing about problems of work in modern life.

7-Learning the Arabic language

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Asking about where and how to learn Arabic effectively.
  • Asking about how to enrol in an Arabic school.
  • Giving advice for effective learning.
  • Making conversation about Modern Standard Arabic, and the different dialects.
  • The vocabulary related to Arabic language, colloquial dialect, learning, etc.
  • Reading about the importance of Arabic in Islam.
  • Annular verbs (كان وأخواتها)
  • The four prefix letters of the present verb (حروف المضارعة)


In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Expressing appreciation on receiving a prize.
  • Praying for others (Duaa’) for goodness, and asking others to do so.
  • Talking about qualities of an ideal student.
  • The vocabulary related to prizes, happiness, congratulations, names of famous local and international prizes.
  • Speaking about a prize of the ideal student in the class.
  • Reading about famous persons obtaining prizes.
  • Using the regular masculine plural (جمع المذكر السالم)
  • Some articles that cause the present verb to be accusative (أن – لن)


In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Talking about the worldwide web, its effect on relationships between nations and individuals.
  • Discussing arguments in favour and against globalization.
  • The vocabulary related to the internet, the modern means of communication, globalization, developed and developing countries, etc.
  • Reading about globalization in the world today.
  • Writing a paragraph about the rich and poor countries.
  • The declension cases of the present verb.
  • The indeclension cases of the past verb.
  • The four declension signs (الفتحة – الضمة – الكسرة – السكون)

10- Cleanliness

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Expressing wonder.
  • Talking about cleanliness for an individual, and for houses and public places.
  • Asking for more clarification, explanation.
  • Giving ideas, supporting others’ ideas.
  • Reading about cleanliness in Islam.
  • Using the relative nouns.
  • Using the dual noun, its grammatical cases.
  • The case of dropping (eliminating) the final Noon ن of the regular masculine plural.

11- Islam

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • How to welcome somebody, and offering him the information he requires.
  • How to ask for information about something.
  • Expressing assurance, introducing proofs and reasons.
  • Inviting someone to visit at home, and accepting such an invitation.
  • How to offer lending books, and how to borrow them.
  • The vocabulary related to Islam, its pillars, disproving the criticisms against Islam, etc.
  • Making conversation with a non-Muslim about Islam.
  • Reading about Islamic personalities.
  • Weak letters.
  • Broken plurals.
  • The declension of the regular feminine plural.

12- Youth

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Expressing worry and fear.
  • How to ask someone’s advice, and how to offer it.
  • The vocabulary related to youth, teenager, education, friendship, etc.
  • Making conversation about dealing with young people in the family.
  • Reading about kinds of friends in Islam.
  • Using the weak verb in jussive case.
  • The definite and indefinite nouns.
  • The annular particles (إن وأخواتها)

13- Islamic world

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Asking about what preoccupies somebody.
  • Asking help, and offering advice.
  • Talking about the Islamic nation, weak points, reasons, how to address, etc.
  • The vocabulary related to the geography of the Islamic world, population, peoples, economies, etc.
  • Reading about the Islamic world today and in the past time.
  • The sound verb and the weak verb.
  • The adverb of time and place.
  • The declension of the five verbs.

14- Security

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Talking about security, and insecurity.
  • Expressing feeling secure or insecure, fear of some possible troubles.
  • Expressing not being sure, probability.
  • The vocabulary related to security, crime, punishment, stabilization, development, etc.
  • Speaking about the different crimes in modern life and how to face them.
  • Reading about crime and punishment in Islam.
  • The status.
  • The five nouns.

15- Pollution


In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Expressing confusion, being puzzled.
  • Expressing hope, acceptance or agreement on some ideas.
  • The vocabulary related to pollution, and its results as: diseases, garbage.
  • Talking about kinds of pollution and how to protect the environment.
  • Talking about clean energy, gas, gasoline, petrol, electricity, etc.
  • Global warming.
  • The weak verb in the imperative tense.
  • The nominative signs.
  • The accusative signs.
  • The jussive signs.

16- Energy

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Expressing lack of surprise.
  • Expressing satisfaction.
  • Asking about reasons and factors and results.
  • Talking about the crisis of energy and the importance of saving it.
  • The vocabulary related to energy, consumption, the alternative solutions, etc.
  • Speaking about petrol and electricity, and kinds of energy.
  • The genitive signs.
  • Revision.

Level 3

1-Religion / Miracles in Islam

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Talking about miracles of prophets, the importance of the miracle as a proof for the prophet, the miracle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Discussing the miracle of the Holy Qur’an in literature and modern science.
  • The aspects of miracle in the Holy Qur’an.
  • Reading about the history of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • The annular particles (إن وأخواتها) – revisited.

2-A Muslim’s day

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Talking about the program of a normal day of a Muslim, starting from waking up until going to bed in the night.
  • Expressing the acts of the Islamic life, praying in the mosque, reading Qur’an, etc.
  • Types of predicate (noun, sentence, semi sentence)
  • Reading the first scene of a play about recommendation of Abu Baker for Umar Ibn Al Khattab to be his successor Caliph.
  • Taking about the importance of time in Islam.

3-The Muslim minorities in the world

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • Talking about the problems of the Muslim minorities in the world, freedom of worship, performing Islamic marriage, Islamic education, and social problems.
  • Islamic immigration in the past was to spread Islam, and in the modern life is to find work.
  • The importance of teaching Arabic and Islam to children of Islamic minorities.
  • Using the conditional articles which cause the jussive case.
  • Reading the second scene of the previous play.

4-The Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)

In this unit, the student will learn:

  • The definition of Sunnah; all what the Prophet (PBUH) says and does and what he confirms of others actions.
  • The Sunnah as a second source of Islamic legislation.

Refer a Friend Bonus Scheme

Special Offer for registered students

  • Every time you refer a friend or family member, we will give you a free lesson.
  • It doesn't matter how many friends / family you refer - there are currently no limits on this.
  • There are 3 simple steps:
    • Tell your friend (or family member) to go to
    • Ask your friend to book a Free Trial Lesson.
    • Ask your friend to enter in your email address in the referral email box when registering.
  • You will immediately be given a free credit that will allow you to book your next lesson (hour) free.

Please note that this offer only applies to referred students from USA, UK, Europe, NZ & Aus, Canada and Middle East (discretionary).
If we find this being mis-used we reserve the right to refuse the free lesson credit.